This is your class blog to share and learn with each other

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tips for IELTS

For those of you working towards the IELTS, you can also find a lot of good information on the internet.
First, here is an excellent site for advice on how to do the writing parts and everything else.

You will also find good examples by googling IELTS academic writing/reading

Here's a speaking video I found with rather good quality. You will find more

You will find further advice on youtube about writing and the other skills.
For general skills the CAE practice you get on flo-joe is great as well.

Tips for working on your English (CAE)

Here are a few tips for you for the Easter holidays.
If you are working towards the CAE, you will have a test from me and you also have several exams through your CD.

DON'T do them all at the same time during the Easter break! There is still quite a bit of time until the exam, so plan them carefully, distributing them throughout the rest of the time you have.

DO go onto flo-joe regularly and do tasks there.

DO practice your writing!
Do practice your speaking! You can even record yourself and send the recording to me for a bit of feedback.

Go to the Splendid-speaking website (see the side bar) to listen to people speaking and here what an examiner might say about how the person did.

Go to youtube and type in CAE speaking exam (or the other parts) and see what kind of information you can get there. IF you find any very good sites, please share them here!

Read a book or watch a film and write about it here for all of us to read- the others can write comments about it if they have read or seen it as well.

Take some time and relax from studying - don't pressure yourself the whole holiday. A break from English can help you unconsciously bring things together and internalize them.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Joke from Rama

One day a housework-challenged man decided to wash his Sweat- Shirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to his wife, 'What setting do I use on the washing machine?'

'It depends,' she
replied. 'What does it say on your shirt?'

He yelled back, 'Liverpool '

Ahhm, where's the washing machine?