This is your class blog to share and learn with each other

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Postcard from Sardinia

Hi everyone
This is where I spent my time relaxing in the shade of the veranda. Every morning there was a spectacular sunrise over the sea, turning the dark sky into a vibrant ball of fire. Then the bells began ringing as the sheep made their way through the brush to be fed by the shepherd just on the other side of the fence.

We also ate most of our lunches and dinners here as we enjoyed the peacefulness in between swims and trips into the countryside.

I hope you also had a great time!

PS: I'd love to get a postcard from you too!


1 comment:

Angi said...

Hi Illya
It looks fantastic where you spent your holidays! Did you hire this apartement? Have you been there with your family? I think I should once go to sardinia too. But I'm absolutely lost with the italian language. Everyone says that it's that easy but I'm not agree with this.