This is your class blog to share and learn with each other

Monday, August 25, 2008

Looking forward to the first lesson


I'd like to welcome a new class to this blog.
As you can see, it's been used by another class, and I'm hoping they will drop in every now and then and say hi.

Why do I have this blog? Well, I'd like you to have a place to communicate with each other and go beyond the artificial use of language in the classroom.

This is a place for you to be creative, to communicate and share with the others in the class, or to get ideas and links to help your individual learning process.

If you are acquianted with blogs already, then I'll gladly invite you to contribute right away - just leave a short comment. If you already have a blog, then I'll gladly add it to the blogroll on the side.

If this is a new area for you, then look forward to learning about something new. In my opinion it has the power of taking 'learning' to new levels, of going beyond 'learning' and into 'using'.

So, what can you expect here? I'll be leaving the homework on the side, but this is only a very small part of what it is about. Every week I'll encourage you to leave a comment or a post about a topic, although you can choose to write about whatever you want. It won't be corrected here as I'd like to stimulate true interaction. However, you can always send me your texts to be corrected if you prefer. Or you can open your own blog and write there, and I'll link it here.

To begin with, I'd like to invite you to leave a message by using the 'comments' button.
You can tell us something about yourself, about your expectations, what you are most looking forward to, what you worry about most, or anything else you like.

And to set a good example, I'll start.

I am looking forward to learning from you! In all my courses I find that, though I may be the expert in English, everyone has some new knowledge to offer to the whole class. It is this sharing and learning from you that makes the course so interesting for me.


Gisela said...

Hi Illya,
the new layout looks fantastic! Congratulation!
I wish you a good start with your new class!

Illya Arnet said...

Hi Gisela
Thank you for your compliments and good wishes.
I hope you'll join us in disussion now and then :-)