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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rorschach blot tests

Okay, here's another task for you.

What do you see? Leave a comment (or leave another blot to comment on :-) )
and then you can also 'analyse' the meanings behind what others see.

If you're up for a bit of fun, this could be quite amusing!
To see what it reall is, read here.


s a n c h o said...
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s a n c h o said...

Good idea, I see a lot of animals such as two laughing obese seahorses below the middle on both sides. The two camels head are partially hidden behind them, their rear alike. There is a dancing woman, legs are blended with the camels rear, both arms out-streched, not tense muscles but something like a piled up ruffle. Her middle long hair could be seeing on both sides, you can't actually say, if there are blond or dark, but must be strong hair. The huge blossom-like hat, a gorgeous artifact, embroidered (so I guess) with all kind of flowers is on the top of the picture. Left and right, above on both sides, the heads of two poodles, not actually my favorite dogs, but there aren't others to see and in fact, there aren't favorite dogs at all. I'm rather not sure if they are drooling or if that would be a bow tie, what they are wearing. No idea at last, what the two blots in the bottom could be. Maybe a mistake of the painter. I won't wonder any more, albeit I'm still doing, but when I think about it to long the answer could become disgusting (not discuss-ing). See you.

Illya Arnet said...

I saw everything as you described, except for the poodle heads. I think the two splots at the bottom could be continuations of the sea horses, maybe a bit of seagrass in the way?

I'm not even going to attempt to describe what this could say about you!!!

Maybe someone else wants to give it a try?

s a n c h o said...

You are right, it's the continuation of the seagrass, which is in the way. As for the poodles you have to envisage theirs heads sidewise. There's a big quiff or whatever the poodles haircut is called like. Especially by the left one you may see the open mouth. And both have a round nose upon theirs snouts. Can you see it now?

Illya Arnet said...

I see it now, but they are very Disney-like poodles.
Did you go to the link to see what it really was?
Now THAT I DON'T see.

s a n c h o said...

Not yet. I didn't realize there was a link to the solution. How stupid am I to do diligently all this conscientious writing, risking being detected by some psychologists, who are googeling through the whole internet to look for future patients and there is a solution-link !!! I'll have a look soon.

s a n c h o said...

Don't bother about this notice, I'm just trying out a RSS-feed, and the cocomment service by posting something here. Nevertheless have a great week !