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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What my picture means to me

These are the blossoms of the japanese cherry tree in front of my living room window. I wait for them every spring in suspense. When they are in blosom, spring has truly arrived for me, and they brighten up my days.

First, I only see the buds, but they grow fatter and fatter, until each day I think the next day they will surely blossom. But this tree keeps me in suspense because it often takes a week or longer from this point for the buds to actually open. In the meanwhile, I share my expereince with another US citizen living in Japan. As you know, they celebrate the time of blossom. It's funny to see how I've become closer to the Japanese customs and culture all because of a little tree in my garden.

But now, the leaves are golden with shades of pink, reflecting a golden light through my window as I write. Soon the tree will be bare again and the long winter wait begins.

1 comment:

Annelise said...

Hi Illya
Have you ever seen the japanese trees in the Sentimatt? I admire them when they are in blosom every year!