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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks (for) giving that movie

Great movie from a gorgeous actor indeed. A pretty sad theme, brilliant performed by Chaplin, and with almost no single word – I love such English tasks – Have you got more?
highly topical in the current (w)holesale money market and the anticipated economy crisis. And last but not least actually referring to the nineteen-thirties, when people hardly suffered under the depression.
I've got a movie too. It's about English learning, not as far as good as the Chaplin's is, but pretty nice as well. Have a look!

Oh, by the way, as regards the use of the metaphor "parasitic", I can only say, have a closer look at the bankers and traders which greatly succeeded in driving the whole world economy at the edge of its ruin, or maybe not only at the edge, but beyond the edge, who knows that yet.

Hoping my sad perspectives may not be worth the paper, where they are written on. O.k. there isn't any paper actually, but splitting hairs won't help make things better.


1 comment:

Illya Arnet said...

Hi Sancho
This ma ynot be a new one, but it still makes me laugh :-D
You hit the nail on the head with your analysis (but more on that later)