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Tuesday, October 14, 2008


‘Gasparone’ review

During this autumn I’m spending the most of my freetime on the stage as a ballet dancer in the operetta ‘Gasparone’. That’s a good reason to write a review about this two hundred years-old thieve-story.

In Sicily, Benezzo, a mischievous landlord and his smuggler friends have spread the rumour that ‘Gasoparone’, a legendary robber, would practise his attacks in their region. While everybody is looking for the not subsisted ‘Gasparone’ the band of smugglers can do their duty without any suspicion.
If this were not enough, Benezzo also helps count Erminio to capture the heart of the beautiful, but engaged countess Charlotta. Together with the rumour of ‘Gasoparone’ all this results in a funny confusion story and Benezzo always gets a bit deeper into trouble and has to invent more noncredible excuses.

‘Gasparone’ is an utterly entertaining operetta with a good mixture of humour, love and profoundly moving singing and pieces of music. It lets you dive into the world and feelings of the 19th century in an extraordinary way. During the first act the audience have the opportunity to develop sympathy or antipathy for the main figure which let them fight together with the figures in the play for a good end.

Although ‘Gasparone’ is an old story, it’s exactly the opposite of a dead story.
Translating the topic of the play into the modern world let you show a lot of actuality. I found much more common ground with today as I’ve ever expected during our intensive rehearsals in the last few mouths. And that’s a good reason to let live up ‘Gasparone’ in your heart.

Yvonne Schmidiger, October 08

1 comment:

Illya said...

That's also a great bit of advertisement! Why don't you bring flyers into class? I'd love to see it :-)