This is your class blog to share and learn with each other

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Something to enjoy

Well, I'm bored in bed (I guess that's the first sign of getting better!) and so I've found something for you to enjoy.

You can also put your teacher award texts on the blog and begin commenting.


Helen said...

¨Hi, Illya how are you?
Since a little moment I am blogger too!! But, you know what makes mo go "nut"? (expression perhaps not correct, I want do say something like: Makes me go crazy). It is this music. Don`t take me wrong, I like it.... but, do I have a possibility to turn it off? I can`t understand what the two nice people in the fun-video are talking about. Please help me!

Illya Arnet said...

Congratulations on making it on the blog! You nearly got the expression right: it makes me go nuts (plural).

I don't know what music you heard while listening since there is none to the video. Is it possible that another probram was playing on your computer?

I'm looking forward to more of your blogging now :-)

andi said...

Hi Illya
I have had the same problem like Helen while watching the video.
But it has nothing to do with the video.
There is music connected to the blog, I always hear this music when I am on this blog. Normally it doesn't bother me, because I can turn it out if I want.
But to listen to a video I can't turn the volume down.
I didn't solve the problem up to now.

Illya said...

This is very strange since I have no music playing. I can only assume that the music is coming from another video. If you find the video, you can turn it off and then there should be silence.

I hope this works. I'd try to find it, but since I don't hear music, it's difficult for me.

Angi said...

hello together
This video is very funny! I neither hear music in the background.