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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Teacher Award 5

My best teacher
I used to be fascinated when I heard my dad playing the piano, though he only could play some harmonies. When I was seven I was given piano lessons and I was so happy because my teacher praised me for everything.

That made me eager to develop my talent. When she organised a concert with her pupils I was excited. First her youngest pupils had to play their simple pieces whereas the older ones could show their best after that and I was so impressed about their skills. Then the teacher praised our efforts and said that the younger pupils would do it next time like the older ones.

A few years later I ordered the pieces I wanted to play by myself. When my dad saw that he said that this was too difficult for me. Not so my teacher and thus, I practised a piece of Chopin and played it next time in the piano lesson. Well done, my teacher said, but it could be easier if you played it in the given key.

About 20 years later I read an interview with a pianist. The reason why she wanted to become a pianist was her eagerness she got during a pupil's concert she had joined in when a boy played a very difficult piece of Chopin, though in the wrong key. That boy was me.

I consider that my piano teacher deserves an award because she was able - effortlessly, it seems, and almost endlessly – to let pass on the enthusiasm from one student to the other student.

Adalbert Bircher

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