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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Teacher Award 1

Competition entry

You are looking for the best teacher ever?
I’m going to describe him.

One year ago I spent three weeks in the Yukon Territory (Canada) for a trekking- and canoeing trip with other Swiss people . Our guide, also a Swiss man, knows this region like his own pocket because he did lots of adventure trips on his own when he was younger.

I was very impressed by his knowledge about nature and the animals. He taught us how to survive in this wilderness. We learned how to behave correctly in the forest which is home of uncountable bears.
Instead of complaining about wet socks, he told us stories how they dried them once when they had been on tour in a deep winter. He made us laugh and wonder at the same time.

He isn’t a man of many words, and he had the patience not to show too early how to do it right. He let us gain our own experiences. When I managed to be successful in something I got more self-confident.
But in every difficult situation he was there to help. Soon I knew that he is really sensitive and trustworthy. These skills are unreplaceable if you want to make people around you feel good.

In challenging times I remember him and his family, and I realise that I can reach whatever I want, if I really want it. He made his dream come true and moved to Canada with his wife and his two sons.

So vote for him, because he lives what he teaches. Through him I learned to slow down without having the feeling of wasting time.


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